Use Your Butt To Work Your Butt

I was talking with a friend once about how certain body parts respond to exercise faster than others. This mostly just has to do with genetics. We soon discovered that we are both cursed with the same particularly annoying genetic issue: our butts don’t respond to exercise like other body parts do, which is very sad indeed. I have to work very hard to build and maintain strength in this area, and it’s one that is particularly important for women, so I do put in the effort. And for the amount of effort I put in, I feel I should have plenty more to show for it! But that’s another post I guess.

Anyway, yesterday was yet another thankless butt day. And as I went through the fruitless gluteal motions, I had a laugh as the instructor said with a giggle “basically, guys… just… use your butt to work your butt.”

She had been going through this whole list of adjustments: lift this hip, send more weight forward, bend the knee here. All of these little movements to isolate the muscles in just the right way. It made me laugh because at that moment I wasn’t using proper form at all. It was more of a quad exercise, what I was doing… I was definitely not using my butt to work my butt. I think it’s not just true in the gym or studio… it’s true in life too, that sometimes we use the wrong tool for the job, only to find that, surprise, surprise, it doesn’t do the thing we wanted to get done. 

There are many quotes that call this idea to mind, like never bringing a knife to a gunfight, or when the only tool you own is a hammer, everything becomes a nail.

In our lives we might do things like go on a restrictive diet, when our dysfunctional bond with food is actually the result of emotional trauma of some kind. Or try to save our relationship with a weekend-long couples yoga retreat when what is actually needed is serious therapy. Get a job we don’t want because it pays more money, when a serious look at finances and a debt reorg may ease the pressure better. Put off a task for months because of anxiety around doing it, when asking for help, for the comforting support and presence of a friend, is all it would take to get done.

There are literally thousands of situations in life where we might use the wrong tool for the job. And an additional thousand personal reasons for doing so. But one thing is for sure: it’s a waste of time when we do that. It’s important to look honestly at the things that need fixing in our lives, and get at them with the right tools for the job. 

It’s important to use your butt to work your butt. 

Peace and love to you, wherever this message finds you.

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