Talking to Yourself: The Value of Daily Journaling

As you might already know, for the first 75 days of 2024, I am doing a personal challenge which is to complete a checklist of 5 things each day: 

  1. Exercise- Consciously move my body every day
  2. Hydration- Drink a sufficient amount of water
  3. Diet- Stay within my eating window, and no alcohol
  4. Self-Care/Personal-Development- Invest one hour a day on conscious improvement of myself 
  5. Check-In- Write some notes about how I’m doing and what’s happening

I have been surprised to find that the 5th one, the check-in, is really helpful. Not because anything truly mind-blowing comes out of it; I rarely write something that makes me feel like “woah man I have transcended.” 

What I actually find helpful is that it keeps the conversation going with me. It’s the simple act of doing it every day. So when and if I do have something profound to say (it happens), I actually do say it… I know what to do with it… I write it down. 

Two things happen with daily journaling:

  1. I’m trusting myself to do what I said I would do, by simply doing the thing every day
  2. I’m keeping the lines of communication open, with me, so when something dramatic does happen, I have a constructive outlet

A while back I heard a parenting expert say that the best way to get your kids to talk to you about something hard is to talk to them, all the time, about literally anything. Keep them primed for openness. It’s easier to say something, particularly something difficult, when you trust that person and the conversation has already begun.

That same thing happens when you make a commitment to yourself to sit for a moment and write down whatever, once a day. You’re always there for yourself, and on the days you’ve got something to say, you know exactly where to say it safely.

I’m not sure what I was expecting from this 75 day challenge, but so far I’ve received some nice gifts. I’m definitely keeping some of these habits as I move forward.

I hope that this year has started off well for you too, and that you continue to be inspired in life.

Peace and love to you, wherever this message finds you.

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